I’m an I.T. professional and father of three boys all other times. It used to be the latter kept me busier than the former. Now that my boys are older, it seems that work consumes more of my time . . . and that can’t be good.
Contrary to almost everything I’ve come across that tells you how to start a blog/become a blogger, I’m not doing this for any particular reason. Things occasionally cross my mind that I feel the compulsion to share with . . . well, anyone willing to listen. Maybe it stems from a deep seated fascination/envy of people who do this type of thing with a specific purpose.
Some random things about me:
- I was born in Chicago in 1964, the first of one child.
- I have absolutely ZERO interest in professional or collegiate sports, with the exception of baseball. To that end, I am a Cubs fan to the bone marrow.
- I am a Japanophile, Trekkie, pencil aficionado, and foodie, not necessarily in that order.
- I love to cook. It’s how I connect with other people.
- My fondest memories of my youth are the Saturday afternoons I spent watching PBS with my mom – Julia Child, This Old House (original). Crockett’s Victory Garden, etc.
- My favorite season is autumn.
- I loathe goat cheese. Come to think of it, I do not want goats involved at step of the food preparation process.
- I love to draw and paint, but never seem to find the time.
If you feel compelled to get in touch with me, feel free.